Preparation for a race can take on many more
layers than I ever anticipated when I started taking running more serious about
3 years ago. With every passing race I get a bit more into the data I have
accumulated over time and look for new ways to gain the slightest edge over my
previous performance (at times geeking out about facts & figures that end up not mattering, but oh well)
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reviewing previous race splits, weather reports, & the impact of daylight savings time on my race weight (not true :) ) |
Thus far, more preparation has always led to
better results. It is crucial to still leave enough room for flexibility, as
during an ultramarathon, you are out there for such a long time that it is
unrealistic to expect to know what will happen. I studied the course to the point where I
knew virtually every turn in order to avoid any chance of getting lost (still almost happened, but I could follow foot steps in the snow). I knew
the weather by the hour (including the sunrise and sunset times, which helped
me understand where I should place my headlamp and whether I would eventually
need it or not; plus I had too much time on my hand to research this) and had the appropriate gear/clothing on me to ensure that it’s
not going
to impact my race negatively. My nutrition was planned out to the
point where I wouldn’t need any of the aid stations provided. During
my training leading up to the race, I narrowed down exactly which clothes I
would be wearing and included a fully loaded backpack so that I would know what it
feels like to have it on me for hours at a time.
obligatory pre-race gear picture |
Aid Station Splits for 10 hour finish |
The Sandhills 100K has been on my planned race
list for a little over a year. As I prepare for my first 100 Mile (160km) race
later this year, I wanted to gradually increase my race distances and improve
my times on the shorter distance to build strength to withstand the impact 100
miles can have on your body and mind. The last thing I want is harming my body long-term. A mindful training and racing plan will help prolong my running career.
It was a serious enough race to require mandatory gear. To a certain healthy extent, I gained even further appreciation for the distance. We needed:- 1.5 liter hydration
- headlamp (w/ spare batteries/ oh great, night running!)
- cell phone
- emergency whistle
- extra socks
- extra outer layer
- extra mid layer
Last year I ran the Sandhills 50K in order to
re-con the course and race environment to set myself up well for the 100K the
following year. Through the 50K, I knew 50% of the course and I was able to
explore a little more of the course on a couple of occasions when I travelled
to North Dakota for work.
A fresh layer of snow covered the ground at
the campground where the racers mingled pre-dawn. Forecast had the wind-chill
all day below freezing with 15-20mph wind coming from the North. What else
could you be doing on a Saturday morning in March than run 100km in freezing
temperatures through North Dakota? (Well maybe sleeping in, eating pancakes and
watching Netflix)
It’s an out-and-back course, meaning you run
from point A to B and back to A. The first and last 17 miles of the course are
through rolling Sandhills (hence the race name) in the Sheyenne National
Grasslands 45 minutes outside of Fargo, ND. The Sandhills have the nasty
characteristic of being runnable. Larger hills on other courses allow you to
slow down and catch your breath while power-hiking. These hills were gentle in
incline, but what they lacked in elevation they made up for in frequency.
8am Start |
After the last pre-race instructions from the
race director, we were off at 8am sharp. My goal was to be back by 6pm. Writing
it like that seems ludicrous, but I ensure you it never felt like that much
time was passing during the run. Within the first 50 meters I tucked in behind
another runner and we briefly exchanged our race goals. Internally I gasped
when he mentioned that he was going for possibly 9 hours. I had my eyes set on
breaking 10 hours. His 9 hour goal impressed me even more, since he told me that he had a 100 mile race two weeks later.
I was hoping to be walking again in two weeks! Knowing that his required pace
would likely not be sustainable to me for the duration of the race, I slightly
fell back and let him pull away in the first couple of miles. Heading into the
Sandhills I lost sight of him on several occasions when he was a few hills or
switchbacks ahead of me. I did follow his footsteps closely and looked for the
length of his stride on the flats vs. the uphills. It seemed that he was running
the uphills pretty hard. This confirmed that I was well advised not going with
him, because one of two things were likely to happen: 1) Either he is that fast
of a runner and I have no business of staying with him or 2) he will slow down
significantly later on and I may have a chance of catching up later and make
this race competitive.
Since the 17 mile aid station indicated the
end of the Sandhills for now, it was now open prairie running. The runner ahead
of me had taken a few minutes at the aid station and since I was still fully
stocked on water and food, I ran through the aid station and was a good minute
behind him. It felt like a race from here on out.
Since we were running out in the open I could
see him throughout this entire time and kept measuring our distance by timing
the point at which he ran through the cow gates that were connecting the
fenced-in areas of grazing land. We kept at around 40 seconds to a minute apart
and I had no plan on catching up to him anytime soon. I know the feeling when
someone is so close behind you and it can drive some runners crazy. I was
hoping he’d be more concerned with me than to think about his own pacing and
It had warmed up slightly and the sun had come
out. We had the wind in our backs. Having studied the weather pattern for the
day, I knew the wind was only getting stronger on the way back, so I shed a
layer of clothes in order to let them dry out. Being sweaty and heading into
the cold head-wind on the way back would surely deny me any motivation to keep
running and rather huddle into a warm car.
Before the race I had joked with my
father-in-law Bill, that I prepared every aspect that I could think about
except for the train schedule. Since the race course passed over some tracks, I
had feared to get stuck behind one of these notoriously long trains. Within 4
minutes of crossing said tracks, a mile long train was slowly puttering away
and I was wondering how many runners behind us would have to wait in that
agonizing position.
By the mile 26 aid station, I caught the
runner up-front as he stopped for water and I cruised past the aid station and
crossed the highway to the next trail head. Here, the first 50K runners were
greeting me as they were headed the opposite way. It was a very uplifting
feeling to hear their encouragements, but I had gotten ahead of the other
runner and was now in the dreaded position I described earlier. I tried to
catch a glimpse on where he was whenever I could and this made me stumble over the many cow pies a
couple of times as I wasn’t watching my steps. I must’ve had a good 2-3 minute
lead now and wanted to use the wind in my back to keep the momentum going into
the turn-around point. Now that I knew he takes a few minutes at each aid
station, I wanted put a noticeable distance between us to set myself up well for
the second half of the race. At the 31mile turn around, I had lost sight of him
and rummaged through my drop bag, which I had filled with some Coca-Cola,
caffeinated energy-gels and chicken broth (for sodium, as I was diluting my
blood by drinking lots of water). My father-in-law met me with some refreshing
sweet-tea and I gulped down a good half liter of it. Great thinking on his
part! The added sugar would help restore my carbohydrate storage. I spent a
mere 2-3 minutes re-fueling and filling up my pockets with exactly the amount
of food I needed for the remainder of the race. Heading back out, I immediately
noticed the head-wind. The temperature felt like it had dropped 20 degrees and
the next 15 miles were going to be nasty. 4:28h had passed and I was 32 minutes
ahead of schedule. I felt elated, but knew I wasn’t going to duplicate this
time on the way back. My legs were tired and I had a little more than a
half-marathon ahead of me going into the wind (before running another 17 through sandhills). Running with the head down for most of this stretch, I finally noticed the numerous cow pies lining the trail. I thought certain spots had felt "squishy" earlier.
On my way out the other runner and I greeted
each other and I estimated a 5-6 minute lead on him. The next few miles weren’t
so pretty, because my legs were on the edge of seizing up on me and I couldn’t
push as much as I wanted. I had to be content with going easy pace until they
would loosen up again. I met the 3rd place about 45 minutes later and knew that
it meant a 1:30h lead on him, which made me feel confident that I would get
away with a podium finish today unless I messed up later on.
The wind was relentless and chilled me to the
bone. Having taken off a layer earlier, I was glad that it had dried by this
point and it was a much needed relief. Looking at the weather report had
definitely paid off big time! After I passed through the aid station at mile 37 I
needed to stop every other mile and stretch out my legs. They weren’t getting
any better and I rather spent a few seconds on them now than having bad cramps
later on that could derail the entire race. A couple of these took longer that anticipated. Time seemed to fly by and I swear I could've watched all of Netflix in that time span. Nevertheless, trudging on, I came across the
railroad tracks again and about 7-8 minutes after another train passed. I
couldn’t see the end of it and it gave me a boost of confidence as it meant
that the next runner couldn’t have crossed the tracks yet and I most certainly
must be increasing my lead. However, due to these frequent stops, my paranoia
grew that the other runner would catch up with me eventually and I would've not
been in any position to stay with him.
I never did see him and eventually got to the
mile 46 aid station, where I met Bill again. Filling my empty bottles now with
defizzed coke (yum!) I noticed that the other’s
runner crew wasn’t there. He must be further behind than I thought! Well, only
roughly 16-17 miles to go from here. About 6:54h have passed at this point and
since I only had to cover roughly 4 miles, a new 50 mile personal best was
definitely happening (previous was 9:04h). I celebrated for a brief moment when
I reached that point and must’ve looked pretty funny if someone were to see me
from far away. I was leaning against a fence post stretching my ever-aching
calves and generally looking drained, but fireworks were going off in my head
and I must’ve had the strangest mixture of elation and agony in my eyes. One of
the many conundrums I love about running these absurd distances. Another 4
miles later, I started feeling much better and simply waved at the last aid
station attendants and knew I was on my last hour of running. My strategy was
to use my last „kicker“ once I hit the bridge crossing the little creek. I had
chosen a specific fast paced play list on my Ipod (Justin Bieber, One Direction, Taylor Swift :) )and once my ear buds went in
and the music started, my feet seemingly got lighter. My previous „kickers“
were the sugar in the sweet tea, the caffeine in my gels in the second half,
the sugar & caffeine in the coke and now the music. It was an extreme mental
boost each time I reached the checkpoint where I had decided to implement them!
I got additional motivation since I started
passing several 50K runners that were at the end of their race as well. Their
encouraging words pushed even further. I crossed the final road with 3.7miles
to go and Bill was waiting to cheer me on one last time before the finish. In
order to shed some weight, I channeled my inner frat party mentality and
chugged the remaining fluids out of my bottles and tossed them to him. Checking
my watch it was exactly 9h elapsed. I set my goal to finishing in 9:30h. This
last segmented goal gave me yet another boost to push further. My calves
approached the brink of cramping, but I was lucky to being able to balance the
fine line between going at the limit and going just over it.
The last rolling hills were brutal and I kept
trying to remember what this area looked liked in order to predict when the
finish should be coming around the corner. I couldn’t trust my watch anymore at
this point as the GPS got all wonky on me and started showing that i was
running 3minute miles (impossible world record pace) and I ended up with 94
miles apparently.
Crossing the finish line with Christina & Leiana on FaceTime |
With 4 turns to go I could make out the finish
area and put in my last gear and simultaneously juggled my cell phone around in
my gloves. Not having thought this through, since I couldn’t dial with my
gloved fingers, I ran 7 minute pace while dialing my wife on FaceTime with my
nose! People must’ve thought I am extremely near-sighted! The call went through despite the shoddy
coverage in the area and I saw Christina and Leiana playing on the screen and
cheering me on as I crossed the finish line. A cramp had begun 30 yards earlier
and now was taking full effect, but I didn’t care. I was on the absolute best
runners high ever!
The race director congratulated me and I
returned the gesture and thanked him for a great organized race. Bill met me
and I got changed quickly as my body was cooling down quickly now. The camp
fire next to the finish line was a welcomed sight. Bill and I mingled for a
little bit with some of the 50K runners (including my friend Scott, who I ran
the 50K with the year prior).
Bill and I headed home and reminisced about
the race for a while and I learned that the other runner had dropped at the 37
mile aid station. Had I learned this about 3 hours earlier, I wouldn’t have had
to endure that discomfort on the last 20 miles or so. Still, I likely wouldn’t
have been able to go under 10 hours either. It’s truly amazing what motivation
can get the body to do. I hope he recovers quickly and does well in his 100
miler in Minnesota.
I was very fortunate to finish the longest
race I have ever attempted in a decent time of 9:30h and in first place.
Surpassing my previous 50mile PR and having a race where everything seemingly
clicked made this a truly special event for me. I am very happy that i got to
share this with Bill on-site and Christina and Leiana over the phone screen.
Now, I rest my legs with some biking, walking and swimming in California for a
few days and then back at it!